Difference between Silk and Artificial Silk

Misleading the customer through incorrect advice, identifying real silk.

The differences between silk and artificial silk. Real silk and artificial silk are two different types of textile fibers with different properties and manufacturing methods.

Real silk is obtained from the cocoons of silkworms that are specially bred to produce fine, long fibers. The fibers are then spun into silk threads that are very smooth, soft, and shiny. Real silk also has the ability to absorb moisture and is very breathable. Due to the elaborate and labor-intensive manufacturing method, real silk is usually more expensive than artificial silk.

Artificial silk, also known as rayon or viscose, is made from cellulose fibers that are chemically treated and processed into a thread. The fibers are soft and shiny, similar to silk, but unlike real silk, they are not as strong and can tear or wear more easily. Artificial silk is usually cheaper than real silk and is often used as a more affordable alternative to real silk.

Confusion among customers often arises from inaccurate or misleading labeling of textiles. Some manufacturers sometimes refer to artificial silk or synthetic silk as "artificial silk" or "synthetic silk", which can give the impression that it is real silk.

To ensure that you get real silk, you should check the label or contact the seller or manufacturer if in doubt.

Creation by Tie Solution GmbH 2023